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Crazy, Messed Up, Nothing Figured Out, Whatever I Want, Beautiful Life

I have been wanting and talking about a blog since I secured the domain name in 2013. I mean come on...I wasn't given Hope as the middle name for nothing.

I've been asked "what is your blog about" and I've never known how to answer that question.

I've been trying to find my voice, narrow in on a topic, create a logo, take the perfect picture and create the most amazing blog you've ever read.

And so for the last four years I've done nothing about it except pay to renew the domain name annually.

I've had every excuse in the book.

...I don't have a real strong reason "why" I want to do it other than I want to do it

...I don't know what it is going to be about

...I don't have a solidified topic

...I don't have a great story to tell

...I don't have a product to sell

...yada, yada, yada

But what I do have is the desire to really want to do a blog and I want it to be about everything and nothing.

I want to write about whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like it. I want it to evolve to what it is going to be....and it will.

I'm tired of waiting for the perfect topic, the perfect picture, the perfect logo (although I love my logo by my beautiful friend at Esbee Designs "shameless promotion" 239.677.0405 • BUT let's face it perfect isn't real.

So this past weekend (I will talk more about this past weekend in another post because it is still raw and I haven't quite wrapped my brain around what is happening other than it inspired me to put myself out there finally) I created these pages and this post. So TODAY, Wednesday, September 20, 2017 (my 52nd birthday) I am releasing this blog, flaws and all.

Because why not! Life is too short and if we don't do the things that we want now, when will we and what are we really waiting for?

So you will hear from me and it may be about what is going on in my life (beware dear friends you may be in here... no you will most probably be in here) or my kids (let's face it they can fill many pages with their antics), it may be something spiritual or it may just be the musings/ramblings of a 52 year old, single mom who may just be a little crazy.

What are you waiting to do? How can I help? Because....there is always HOPE!


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